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TPC Team 2 Protocol

Short description of the basic idea, implementation and results.

Data set: TPC
Team #2
Team members: Till, Iris, Thomas, Axel
Brainstorming/ Ideas:
The basic idea was not to implement a monitoring system for the track reconstruction, but rather to characterize the event, assuming that the tracking information are correct.

Since an interesting signal from the physics point of view are the presence of collimated collection of tracks the approach was to use as the basic data set the direction of the particles with respect to their origin, their identity and their energy.
Implemented Sonification approach:

We mapped the derived data (see below), a four-tuple for each track, in the following way: The angle phi is projected to the sonification time. Particle energy is assigned to the level and theta to both duration and brilliance of a sound to be played when the track is encountered during the phi sweep. To this end, the tracks were orderd in phi. The frequency is determined by the particle type (taken to be the particle type ID, an abstract number between 0 and roughly 500 in the data set). Whether the track is form a particle or antiparticle is mapped to the left or right channel of the stereo.

See demo video!
The presence of collimated sprays in phi direction is clearly audible in the low-multiplicity pp data available. The identification of the theta angle is, however, no very clear. This has to be improved to obtain a jet-finder on a sonification basis. Nonetheless, jets are audible structures in this approach, even their average energy.
General Remarks:
The track information have only been partly processed in the available data. We therefore approximated the remaining data by the available data. In particular, the direction is obtained from the angle phi and the atan of the z over r ratio of the point with smallest r of each track as theta, and the energy by the inverse charge (the later is erroneously in the code not normalized by the track length). The particle type is taken directly from the data.


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