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MOL Team 2 Protocol


Data set: MOL
Team #2
Team members: Till Bovermann, Florian Grond, Robert Höldrich, Florian Dombois, Christian Lang
Brainstorming/ Ideas:

Playing of individual positions within the grid together with neighbour information
Implemented Sonification approach:

  • granular synthesis  emphasizing the selected position randomly chosing around this position grains
    the link variables of grid position controls synthesis.
  • grain consists of simple sines with glissandos indicating the difference to the neighbours
  • a second approach with format synthesis was developped

 Sound examples for 0.0 (many loops):

(play example, synth 2) (play example, synth 3)


Sound examples for 0.95 (just below phase transition):

(play example, synth 1) (play example, synth 2) (play example, synth 3)


Sound examples at 1.05 (just above phase transition):

(play example, synth 1) (play example, synth 2) (play example, synth 3)


 Demo videos can be found here:,,

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