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MOL Team 3 Protocol

Data set: MOL
Team #3
Team members: JR, KV, TH, BCL, CBL

Brainstorming/ Ideas:
1. random little hyper-cubes: averaged values sonified
2. (similar): all (8) neighboring links of one point
3. follow a loop > periodicity, loop e.g. 10 times > each direction in the lattice has a base frequency: this gives patterns (melodies)

Implemented Sonification approach: 2.


* choose a random point

* get histogram of neighbours [how many -/+2s, -/+1s and 0s];

* assign each point a freq-vec: [f1, f2, f3, f2*epsilon, f1*epsilon],
f3 << f2 < f1,
-1 and +1 (-2/+2) are analog, because there is no real difference, thus similar freqs;
minus' are panned to the left, plus' to the right;
map the number in the histogram to the amplitude of the freqs;

* follow the loop path

Play long loop: sound changes continually over time:
(play example)  

Play short loop: sound is "trapped" in one region:
(play example)
(play example)

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