/////////// MOL Group 2 //////////////////

// programmers: Till Bovermann, Florian Grond


// Read Data

// an envir

q = ();


q.paths = pathMatch("data_10x10/*".resolveRelative);

q.allRawData = q.paths.collect { |path| 

FileReader.read(path, true, true, { |x| x.asInteger })



// special operation!!

q.allData = q.allRawData.collect { |x|

//x.flat.clump(4).clump(1000).collect { |x| x.clump(100).collect { |x| x.clump(10) } }



q.mono = q.allData.at(0); // many many loops

q.mono = q.allData.at(19); // below phase trans

q.mono = q.allData.at(21); // above phase trans

q.mono = q.allData.at(30); // very few, small loops

// q.allData.size;


q.data; // winkel (Float, summed over loop)

q.mono; // loops  (Integer)


// main strategy

// sonify one specific item and a randomly chosen other item in its next neighbourhood


// current index

q.idx = [1, 1, 1, 1];

// get values for the current index

q.item = q.mono.slice(*q.idx)



// lower frequencies

q.lowFreqs = [100, 300, 500, 700];

q.higFreqs = [200, 400, 600, 800];

SynthDef(\point, {|out = 0, amp = 0.05|

var freqs = \freqs.kr([100, 200, 300, 400]);

//var freqs = q.lowFreqs;

var amps = \amps.kr([1, 1, 1, 1]);

var env = EnvGen.kr(Env.perc(0.01, 2), doneAction: 2);

Out.ar(out, SinOsc.ar(freqs, 0, amps).sum * env * amp!2);




x = Synth(\point).setn(\freqs, q.higFreqs);

x = Synth(\point).setn(\freqs, q.lowFreqs); // */


// get index of an item near the specified item

q.nearTo = {|q, idx|


it + 1.rand2



// get specific item (given as an idx (array)) and a randomly chosen item in a 2-element list

q.getItems = {|q, idx|

[q.mono.slice(*idx) , q.mono.slice(*q.nearTo(idx))]



q.getItems(q.idx) // */



// render one iteration, frequency is slightly varied for the arbitrary chosen item

q.renderIt = {|q, item, vary = 0|

var freqs, amps, gliss;

freqs = item.collect{|it, i|

(it > 0).if({


}, {




gliss = item;

// all

amps = item.abs * 0.5;

// only positive

//amps = (item.abs - item) * 0.25;

//"freqs: %\namps: %\n".postf(freqs, amps);

(vary > 0).if({

Synth(\point).setn(\freqs, freqs * rrand(0.9, 1.1), \amps, amps);

}, {

Synth(\point).setn(\freqs, freqs, \amps, amps);




/* test


q.renderIt([0, 0, 0, 0]);

q.renderIt([1, 1, 0, 0]);

q.renderIt([1, 1, 1, 1].neg); // */


Tdef(\player, {loop{

q.getItems(q.idx).do{|item, i|


q.renderIt(item, i);







// sliders to navigate through the 4D-space


q.win = Window.new.front;

q.sliders = 4.collect{|i|

a = Slider(q.win, Rect(20 + (i*25), 60, 20, 220));

a.action = {|me| q.idx[i] =  (me.value * 8).round(1) + 1; q.idx.postln};



///// scnd ////

// other freqs

q.lowFreqs = [100, 200, 400, 800]*2;

q.higFreqs = [100, 200, 400, 800]*2;

// other synth, now with glissando


SynthDef(\point, {|out = 0, amp = 0.05, dur= 0.5|

var freqs = \freqs.kr([100, 200, 300, 400]);

//var freqs = q.lowFreqs;

var amps = \amps.kr([1, 1, 1, 1]);

var gliss = \gliss.kr([1, 1, 1, 1]);

var env = EnvGen.kr(Env.perc(0.01, dur), doneAction: 2);

freqs = Line.kr(freqs, freqs*(1+(gliss*0.5)), dur);

Out.ar(out, SinOsc.ar(freqs, 0, amps).sum * env * amp!2);



// take care of gliss in renderIt


q.renderIt = {|q, item, vary = 0|

var freqs, amps, gliss;

freqs = item.collect{|it, i|

(it > 0).if({


}, {




gliss = item;

// all

//amps = item.abs * 0.5;

// only positive

amps = (item.abs - item) * 0.25;

//"freqs: %\namps: %\n".postf(freqs, amps);

(vary > 0).if({


\freqs, freqs * rrand(0.9, 1.1), 

\amps, amps, 

\gliss, gliss


}, {


\freqs, freqs, 

\amps, amps, 

\gliss, gliss







//////////// thrd ////////////////


SynthDef(\form, {|basef = 400, form1 = 600, gain1 = 0, form2 = 1200, gain2 = 0, form3 = 2400, gain3 = 0, form4 = 4800, gain4 = 0, cutoff = 2000|

var  fo1, fo2 , fo3 , fo4, env, lop, sumsum ;

fo1 =  Formant.ar(basef, form1, basef * 10, gain1);

fo2 =  Formant.ar(basef, form2, basef * 10, gain2);

fo3 =  Formant.ar(basef, form3, basef * 10, gain3);

fo4 =  Formant.ar(basef, form4, basef * 10, gain4);

env = EnvGen.kr(Env.linen(0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.6, 'sine'), 0.1, doneAction: 2);

sumsum = (fo1 + fo2 + fo3 + fo4) * env;

lop = LPF.ar(sumsum, cutoff);

//OffsetOut.ar(0,Pan2.ar( (fo1 + fo2 + fo3 + fo4) * env ));

OffsetOut.ar(0,Pan2.ar( lop ));



// test


Synth(\form, [\basef, 100, 

\form1, 300 + 300.rand, \gain1, 1.0.rand,

\form2, 1000 + 1000.rand, \gain2, 1.0.rand,

\form3, 1500 + 1500.rand, \gain3, 1.0.rand,

\form4, 3000  + 3000.rand, \gain4, 1.0.rand



// take care of renderIt


q.renderIt = {|q, item, vary = 0|

var freqs, amps, gliss;

freqs = item.collect{|it, i|

(it > 0).if({


}, {




gliss = item;

amps = item.abs * 0.5;

//amps = (item.abs - item) * 0.25;

//"freqs: %\namps: %\n".postf(freqs, amps);

(vary > 0).if({


\freqs, freqs * rrand(0.9, 1.1), 

\amps, amps, 

\gliss, gliss


}, {


\freqs, freqs, 

\amps, amps, 

\gliss, gliss





// new tdef


Tdef(\flo, {

var item, item2;


q.getItems(q.idx).do{|item, i|


Synth(\form, [\basef, 50, 

\form1, 300, \gain1, item[0].abs.linlin(0, 2, 0, 0.6),

\form2, 1000, \gain2, item[1].abs.linlin(0, 2, 0, 0.6),

\form3, 1500, \gain3, item[2].abs.linlin(0, 2, 0, 0.6),

\form4, 3000, \gain4, item[3].abs.linlin(0, 2, 0, 0.6),

\cutoff, 4000 - (i*3000)







