CENTER Team 2 Protocol
Data set: CENTER
Team #2
Team members: TB, JR, (AS), CB, KV, CBL
Brainstorming/ Ideas:
* make link lattice - all neighbours, that have the same value (0, -1 or 1) get "1", all different ones "0"
* choose a random point and follow as long as there is a neighboring "1"
* use coordinates directly as "triad" ([index1, index2, index3]*20+100) > fmin=100 Hz, fmax=900 Hz
* find out when you come back to start point; then choose new site
Implemented Sonification approach:
* link lattice implemented
* follow cluster (incorrectly implemented?!)
* simple synth (blip); gives cues about localisation in the lattice (no periodic boundary conditions in sound)
(play example)